Monday, September 22, 2008

making up for lost time

since I have been so erratic in my blogging, a bonus.

PS: not my Chris Brown posters!

getting dressed.

He's working it out, y'all.

Dance Craze

Do the Max y'all... The clubs are going crazy with it right now. I saw them doing it on 106 and Park just last week.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Christmas Wishlist

It's never too early to put the feelers out. So, dear readers, a list of a few of Max's favorite things to play with. Beat the rush! Shop early!

1. Wooden spoons
2. Buckets
3. Empty cardboard boxes
4. Toilet paper
5. Jars with screw-on lids
6. Miscellaneous medical equipment (esp. tuning forks and stethoscopes)
7. Chewed up food.
8. Tupperware
9. Water
10. (I'm not even going there.)

Thanks in advance for making Max's Christmas dreams come true.

Monday, September 15, 2008

clearing the backlog

Dear Readers, please accept this glut of photos with my apologies for negligent blogging!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

inexplicably small videos.

at the park in our new 'hood!