Saturday, August 29, 2009

family fun!

Pictures forthcoming. Last week, Max was blessed to have three generations of Daddy's family come down from Connecticut and Maryland to visit. We all had a wonderful time with Great Grandmother Rosalie ("Manmunna") Great Grandfather Butch ("Bootch") Great Aunt Annabelle ("Babbabail"), Grandma Tamara ("Manma") and cousin Nathalie ("Momani"). We even discovered another cousin, Jason, in Clarksville, about 45 minutes away! The food was spectacular, the company divine. Pics to follow (ahem, Momani). We'll be up there soon!


Max took his buddy Samira for a ride in his "Papa's Jeep." Because every Jeep is Papa's Jeep.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

tantrums for advanced toddlers

Max's bedroom, bedtime. Max is fighting sleep, weeping and wailing in full tantrum mode.

MAX: Max is crying!

Thursday, August 6, 2009