Saturday, June 18, 2011

"I gotta tell you something!"

Lately my Facebook feed has been virally dominated (mostly among nonparents, funnily enough) by Samuel L. Jackson's reading of the new fake children's book, Go the ___ to Sleep. It's a funny book that does touch a nerve about the frustrations of "bedtime battles." It's really too profane to even link. But we've all been there. Here are some classic Max sleep-fighting quotes.

"Snails don't have arms. or feet. But they do have backs."
"Beetles are different from lightning bugs because lightning bugs have a light in their tails"
"I'm hungry."
"I'm thirsty."
"I miss Alex."
"Can you tell me the story about the tornado and the fire tornado?"
"I need to give [sleeping] L.I.A. a kiss and a hug."
"I'm making Teddy a new home."
"I made you a present."
[pries eyes open with fingers] "I can't close my eyes, I'm like a goldfish!"

I don't know Max. As a grown up, I have learned to appreciate the priceless gift of sleep. Maybe you will too one day. Your thought process is amazing though.

pictures coming soon!

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