Well, today’s the last day of the babymoon. Tomorrow I’m back in the lab. Thank God the house is a 3 minute walk from school, in case I need a quick infusion of cute baby antics. I haven’t posted in a while, so here’s all the news that’s fit to blog :
The highlight of my week (if not my life as a mom): Max started laughing in his sleep! I heard a funny noise and looked over and Max was just smiling and laughing away. Hilarious and amazing.
Things you should put in a diaper bag, learned after the fact: a change of clothes, for mom. Max started fussing while we were out, so I picked him up. When I looked back down there was a huge mustard-like poop stain on my white shirt and all over his onesie. Somehow he managed a bowel blaster that reached up to his armpits, in the front. Hmm.
Ty is the bottle-master now, but I live in perpetual fear that Max will forget how to breastfeed. Hopefully it’s like riding a bike. He also, at 5 weeks, weighed 11 lbs 8 oz. Huge. So I’d say he’s got it down.
happy mother's day meme! & good luck getting back to work. hope you get all the sleep you need... xoxo b
Lol at bowel blaster!! For the record I love this blog..
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